Veteran's Day Giant, Royal-Blue, Luxury Balloon
A giant, royal blue, luxury balloon hit the mark for a glorious Veteran's Day Assembly.
What an honor! I was asked to create a balloon for a special school assembly hosted by Berean Christian High School. My client fashioned a beautiful hospitality table with breakfast treats and coffee. She wanted a Lifted Balloon- giant, luxury balloon to lavish the veterans with praise and honor. It was my joy to participate. I cried during the whole assembly and marveled at the amazing quilts presented to the brave men who received them.
As mentioned, we decided that a giant, royal blue, luxury balloon would coordinate the best in the school gym that is painted blue and gold. For the tassels on the custom, hand painted tissue tail/garland, I chose to let the bright red tissue shine, threading in a little creamy white and royal blue. To showcase this custom garland I went heavy handed with the gold metallic fringe! It really was spectacular as it spun softly under the spot lights of the assembly.
It's very important when custom ordering a giant balloon, and selecting a color palette that you consider thoughtfully the space and room decor that it will live in. For patriotic party ideas red sometimes needs only to be an energetic accent color, especially in a busy background like the one in this gymnasium. When we say " elevate the atmosphere ", this is what we're talking about right here!
The giant, royal blue, luxury balloon hovers like fireworks above a sweet spread.
This blog post would be amiss without a photo of the guests enjoying the yummy treats that are showcased under this fantastic giant balloon in red, white and blue. It is hovering about the sweets and treats like a burst of fireworks! If you are looking for patriotic party ideas then look no further. Lifted Balloons are a party decor gift for Fourth of July parties, Memorial Day presentations, Veteran's Day assemblies, summer picnics, and parades.
luxury balloons for water
Lifted Balloons bring luxury balloons with custom tail/garland to a Wine4Water Benefit hosted by World Vision at the Behring Auto Museum in Blackhawk, California. It was an "elevate the atmosphere" kind of event styling that I was so honored to collaborate with giant balloons.
My client chose white balloons to stand apart from the gorgeous blue linens and exquisite orange tones of the florals. The Wine4Water colors are "Sunkist Orange" and "California Blue". They remind me of sunshine reflecting off of fresh, clean water, so I packed a punch of sparkle -- all I could get into the custom tails with these vibrant colors. There was plenty of dazzle to compliment the exquisite car collection and memorabilia on display in the museum. This event was stunning in every way! A standing ovation is due in praise of the phenomenal work performed by World Vision all over the world to bring the gift of clean water access, and so much more, to our brothers and sisters in the greatest of need.
Color Palette
Just for fun, I thought I'd flank the bar with these 2 giant white balloons, just for a quick, fun photo. The event coordinator happened to see it and said, "Perfect! Leave them there! The bar need them!." In an event space like a museum that is spacious, almost cavernous, It's easy for a a piece of floating furniture like the bar to disappear, or worse, be difficult for guests to find. Giant balloons are perfect for giving the bar presence and ensuring that it is not missed.
twin balloons flank the bar
A luxury balloon is a beautiful, welcoming first impression in a dramatic lobby entryway. I love this photo even though I snapped it during set up. You can even see a bit of the reflective sparkle in the custom ribbon tail/garland. It plays well naturally next to that spectacular arrangement by Pairs and Pieces
registration table during install
A giant balloon is an great compliment to a photo booth and often times, is the only photo booth idea needed. This giant balloon draws guests to the photo area, which is decorated with such thoughtfulness and meaning for the event's purpose. I love it!
A giant, luxury balloon next to a super car! Who could resist? Certainly, I could not. I think they look stunning together! I love how the luxury balloons harmonized with all of the fantastic memorabilia in the auto museum. The classics and the luxury balloons are exciting, fun and memorable! Perfect match!
This balloon wanted a picture with a supercar!