Balloon Waterfalls Elevate the Atmosphere
Balloon Waterfalls Elevate the Atmosphere
Balloon Waterfalls elevate the atmosphere in marble, black, gold, silver, and mini pearl balloons. This party idea is stunning and brought a stately, modern, explosive and presidential impact to a very special event! This party inspiration started when Calli, my daughter, was studying the election process with her Civic's class. Her tutor decided to add some real muscle to the material by having a class election, followed by a an inauguration ceremony to swear in the winners, and to put the icing-on-the-cake, an inaugural dinner and ball!
Inaugural Ball! Enter Lifted Balloons with a little, no-actually a LOT of dance in my step! I volunteered to bring some serious luxury balloon swag to this fun, family, educational event! Confession. This was my opportunity to style one for the very FIRST time! I knew that I'd be offering Balloon Bursts and Balloon Waterfalls on my menu of products for party style, BUT I needed an event to play around with technique and make clumsy mistakes without the pressure of performing for a client. This could not have lined up more perfectly. I was overjoyed to create a beautiful balloon installation with high drama!
Balloon Bursts and Balloon Waterfalls-
are the best party idea for visual impact that is unforgettable! Attendees of this event still talk about this balloon installation months after the ball!
Sometimes art is so innovative and new that the world doesn't even know what to call it. My research shows that this level of balloon art / balloon work has only been on the scene for roughly two years, which I consider very new-and most of this kind of work is being pioneered way outside of the San Francisco Bay Area. I have found that the balloon industry/party event industry hasn't really figured out the perfect name for what I am showing you. The terms "Balloon Arch" and "Balloon Garland" are what is currently being used to describe what you see at and the subject of this post. However, as you can see, it does not look like an arch in any way, nor does it resemble a garland. My team and I have wracked our brains to create names for these balloon creations and balloon installations that strike an accurate impression of what they actually look like. I don't know if I will be able to turn the vernacular to my chosen interpretation, but at least my Lifted Balloons clients will have a clear picture in mind when I suggest a Balloon Waterfall for their wedding reception entrance or a Balloon Burst for their Graduation Party. The above balloon installation falls under the category of a Balloon Waterfall, but I prefer to call it a Balloon Burst as it doesn't cascade over itself like a waterfall. It doesn't have the same movement and is fixed in place in an architectural fashion like a balloon sculpture. The color palette came from the tutor and I was relieved that she chose such an elegant color story.
Photo booth idea that is sensational!
The students loved posing in front of this over-the-top balloon backdrop.
Homeschool students generally don't have many social special events to get dressed to the hilt for, so they embraced the semi-formal/formal attire only dress code with enthusiasm. I am proud to say that Lifted Balloons brought a photo booth balloon backdrop that matched the formality one hundred percent! Don't they look so stately and dignified posing in front of that sensational photo backdrop?
Calli is sworn in as Class Secretary-
"I, Calli Angeline Gilmore, do solemnly swear to uphold..."
What a dramatic focal point to this community clubhouse space?! The Main Clubhouse at Sycamore, is a beautiful space, yet it's a neutral canvas just begging for serious event styling. Calli is sworn in as Class Secretary after she and her running mate won the class election, in front of a Balloon Burst visually exploding with balloons of all sizes while hovering over a massive fireplace. Her tutor is a first class lady and polished educator, and it was so grand of her to give these students and our families this elegant ceremony and ball! It is noteworthy that the tutor also taught all the students, third graders up to high school, some basic ballroom steps and required every student to participate. It was such a joy to see fathers dancing with daughters, sons dancing with mothers and the younger students bravely asking each other to dance. There were several sets of pretty little shoes on top of their daddy's feet spinning around the ballroom floor! My eyes welled up many times as families carved memories into eternity while swaying, swinging, dipping and twirling. The gentlemen made sure their daughters and wives knew how spectacular and beautiful they were and the young men felt the freedom and fun of leading a lady in a dance.
Balloon Burst is Center Stage
An unforgettable night of ballroom dancing!
Everyone had a fabulous time and didn't want the enjoyment of the evening to end. Months after the ball families continue to discuss what a magnificent experience it was from start to finish! Also, I still receive praise about the Balloon Burst that I styled for the event and how they had never seen anything like it. Personally, I love how it turned out and how it really transformed a community space into a sensational event styled in a presidential fashion!
Graduation Party Balloons
My sassy and niece chose her graduation party balloons to elevate the atmosphere of her grad/ send off party. Leaving in a few weeks to attend Chico State, she chose red and black, bold Wildcat colors.
close up of the tassels
So my niece saw this chevron striped tassel on balloon design I had posted on Instagram and requested I use it for her custom graduation balloon tail/garland. I loved her vision! Please follow @lifted_balloons on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. You will see designs that are not available on the website, because the textiles are a limited run or even one-of-a-kind! Every order is custom, so if you don't see it on the website, please ASK!
a nod to pom-poms
For example, these balls of yarn make these balloons one-of-a-kind! Most of my balloons have hand painted gold metallic tails and reflective ribbons, but due to the bold graphics of the Chevron stripes I l chose sweet and simple, allowing the loud color story to stand alone. I found these balls of yarn and they reminded me of pom-poms. Sophia is a cheerleader so I had to use pom-pom embellishment!
enjoying the balloons in the beautiful light before heading out
There were two balloons for the party, one red and one jet black. It was a simple juxtaposition. We all loved how they turned out.
loved her memory table idea
Helium expands in the heat. It was a sizzling summer day so we decided to plant the balloons in the cool indoors. Here we flanked a sweet memory table. A great party idea Sophia used was the Memory Jar. Next to the jar she had square sheets of paper and a pen for guests to write a memory, blessing or wish for Sophia and then they dropped it in the jar. Those cards will be a joy for her to read and reflect on forever! I love simple, meaningful party ideas that also double as easy party decor! This graduation party tip can be used for birthdays, wedding showers, farewell parties, and even anniversaries.
As a balloon stylist I love offering balloon tail/garlands with adjustable tassels. This is great for Sophia because I know she will use the tails as garland for her dorm decor or for a sorority event. Since she had two balloon tails/ garland, I wanted to give her the option of combining them into one fuller garland. Adjustable they just slide off the ribbon and thread right on to another easily. My niece is super creative and I can't wait to see how she incorporates them into her new space!
well, hello there!
Thankfully it did cool down enough to bring them outside. I tied them to chairs and let them sway in the breeze.
the afternoon heat relaxed into a perfect summer evening
Later the breeze picked up so I moved this one to the bar area where they could shimmy freely without being too interactive.
It was a lovely party with street tacos, a Polaroid photo area, outside games, photo journey of Sophia's life and lots of anticipation for the adventures ahead in this new season for everyone!
sophia, isabella, damon and dawn
Giant Balloons for a First Birthday Party
The smile says it all!
Jessica saw one of my luxury balloons on Instagram and thought it would be perfect party style idea for her baby's first birthday. Pretty pink was the balloon color and I began creating a custom hand painted tail just right for the sweet and spunky Eloise.
Eloise was in LA, so I packed it with great care as I didn't want a single strand to get crumpled en route. Jessica received it in perfect shape! She had a local party store fill the balloon with helium, and attach the custom tail/garland per my instructions.
Jessica is a very busy lady. She is the founder of Beauty Arise, a movement that now has offices in 6 countries, empowering women with the message of beauty, identity and value. She travels all over the world with her husband and baby and needed a party that was over the top in fun and easy to pull together. She chose a simple pool party and this party idea is BRILLIANT! Everyone could swim with Eloise in the beautiful pool, and decorations could be minimal. The only decoration needed was one giant Lifted Balloon that was easy to see, set the tone and could easily be moved when time to go home. One giant, pretty pink balloon is able to elevate the atmosphere, even outside at a simple, casual pool party.
Eloise seems thrilled with it too!
Happy 1st Birthday Miss Eloise!