Hand painted garland is trending in home decor and party styling for Lifted Balloons' clients this year.
Tissue tassels hand painted with gold metallics, or mixed metallics, seem to be flying out of the studio!
I love this home decor trend for so many reasons. Here is a list, in no particular order. It's visual impact is beautiful-soft, airy, and light. It's festive and cheerful, even in the most serious dramatic color palettes.
Garland is versatile. By simply adding a custom hand made garland in your accent colors, you can change the entire look of a room, without much effort or expense. They could not be easier to hang! Indoors, one only needs a couple of clear command hooks and a slip knot on each end of the garland. That's it. Slip those knots over the hooks, finesse the fringe and you're done! They are simple to hang, to move and even to restyle. Our Lifted Balloon's custom garland is inexpensive. When you consider the spacial impact of one garland in the expanse of a focal wall/or interior space, compared to most design elements, it's pretty amazing. AND, no need to poke holes in your walls!
This above photo just blew me away! Actually, this was my first client to ever request custom garland that wasn't attached to a giant, luxury balloon! It's the perfect example of the versatility of Lifted Balloons offerings. She ordered the garland for her niece's bridal shower and used one to trim the dessert bar and one to party style the drink station. I suggested that when she had recovered from the celebrating, thinking it could be several days, that she should see how pretty the custom garland looked on the fireplace mantel. Within an hour or two, she sent me this GORGEOUS picture! As far as I know, it may still be there!
I have several styling ideas that excite me.
Custom garland gives presence to a beautiful desk, like in the charming Lace & Bustle bridal salon in Lafayette, CA. It creates atmosphere for a lovely bridal in-store event!
Another fun way to use festive garland is as valance over windows.
I love the sound and the airy look of them when a breeze brushes through the tassels.
The fringe moves with the breeze like leaves on a tree and they make the most beautiful soft, wispy sounds. As previously mentioned, above a bed is wonderful interior application. It can be dramatic, romantic, sexy and/or all of the above. Especially when treated with sheer, dazzling fabrics. It's still lightweight and where I live, in California earthquake country, having a garland drop on me as opposed to a heavy mirror or art piece seems like the smartest decorating choice.
A custom garland hovering over the dinner table will make every meal feel like a special occasion.
I absolutely love it
Although this photo features a custom garland hanging above a handsome dining table for an intimate birthday brunch, I love the idea as a permanent styling idea. Why not? If you have a rustic beam like this, a lower ceiling or you just want to add some visual interest, then this is a fantastic idea. I absolutely love it.
Calli asked me to make her some hand painted custom garland for her seventeenth birthday.
I was so flattered of course that I made her two!
Here I taped the string to an embroidery hoop to mimmic the look of a pendant light fixture. I thought that in our tiny little kitchen with about 15 of her close friends that a giant, luxury balloon would be a bit much. I also didn't want 15 teenagers fighting over the helium. For a fun alternative I thought the custom garland as a make shift light fixture would be super fun and girly. Everyone loved it and I just added some extra touches to the party like mini pearl balloons and scattered photos & flowers. The lamp inspired me to consider actual light fixture decor, baby mobiles and small 70's inspired pieces. You'll have to track with me and see what we come up with!
A Luxury Balloon for a Golden Anniversary
It only takes one luxury balloon with a custom hand painted tail to elevate the atmosphere of a golden anniversary! One giant balloon in gold and the custom tail/garland was one of my most loved tail creations to date. Lynn and Wally are a beautiful, gracious, and engaging YOUNG couple! You would not believe that this was a 50th wedding anniversary party.
gorgeous family waits the arrival of the guests of honor
The whole time I worked on thier balloon I marveled at the power and story that this marriage tells. Fifty years of saying "I do!" and also being more in love than ever is beyond impressive and worthy of taking notice. I wanted this balloon to be pure golden magic!
wired gold decorator ribbon transformed into tasseled gold chain jewels
I was able to create gold tassels that dazzled like jewelry! It was anchored to a centerpiece on the table, nestled between a bottle of champagne and a magnum from their personal cellar. Their kids enlarged black & white photos from their wedding day and mounted them on the rustic walls of an intimate private room at Postino. It was stunning!
In party styling, I'm a firm believer that less-is-more! Choosing a few elements and giving them room to breath will make an impact that is extremely effective and remembered. Who will forget those photos that transport you back to the wedding day in 1960's fashion icon style?! You don't need decorations everywhere your eyes land. Also, one of the reasons to celebrate in a restaurant is for ease and these decorations were easy and quick!. Elegance and sophistication requires much so much less than people think, but planning is crucial. Those lovely photos had to be ordered, but for installation only required a few pieces of double sided mounting tape. The luxury balloon was delivered. This family decorated with perfection! One giant, luxury balloon dripping in gold, a few enlarged photos that fill the space, close family and exquisite food. That's it! The gorgeous couple loved their golden anniversary celebration! I received a text that evening: My dad can't stop talking about the balloon. He keeps saying: " 'Well, the balloon is spectacular! It really makes the party!' "
Less is more! One luxury balloon, three perfectly placed nostalgic photos- a perfect recipe!