Giant Balloons for a First Birthday Party


The smile says it all! 

The smile says it all! 


Jessica saw one of my luxury balloons on Instagram and thought it would be perfect party style idea for her baby's first birthday. Pretty pink was the balloon color and I began creating a custom hand painted tail just right for the sweet and spunky Eloise.

Eloise was in LA, so I packed it with great care as I didn't want a single strand to get crumpled en route. Jessica received it in perfect shape! She had a local party store fill the balloon with helium, and attach the custom tail/garland per my instructions.

Jessica is a very busy lady. She is the founder of Beauty Arise, a movement that now has offices in 6 countries, empowering women with the message of beauty, identity and value. She travels all over the world with her husband and baby and needed a party that was over the top in fun and easy to pull together. She chose a simple pool party and this party idea is BRILLIANT! Everyone could swim with Eloise in the beautiful pool, and decorations could be minimal. The only decoration needed was one giant Lifted Balloon that was easy to see, set the tone and could easily be moved when time to go home. One giant, pretty pink balloon is able to elevate the atmosphere, even outside at a simple, casual pool party.

Eloise seems thrilled with it too!

Happy 1st Birthday Miss Eloise! 

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